Monday 31 December 2012

Happy New Year?

31st December 2012:
It's already New Year's Eve, it's been a very long year, in fact it has been a day longer. London has hosted the Olympic Games and the world hasn't ended on December 21st. A lot of things have happened this year, but today everything ends,  today a new year is starting. However, shouldn't we be scared of the world carrying on as it is?
The world hasn't died, the human race hasn't become extinct; for the mayas their 13th era has finished and now it is time for the 14th to begin, with this change of era our way of thinking has to change.

Maybe this ancient civilitation was right in this aspect. Are we really sure that the end of the world hasn't started yet? If we open our eyes and set aside our hypocrisy we'll see all the bad things that happen around us. Poverty, evictions, killings...

Can we allow this to happen? In Ciudad Juárez, in México, more than 3042 killings occurred in 2011 and it doesn't end here. In Caracas there were 3804 killings and in Medellín 2019.

Is this any better? In 2011 alone there were 58241 evictions registered , all of those people living in the street, without any means of support, having to search for food in the rubbish for something to eat.

There are a lot of things like these happening around us, so we have to stop and think: is it really going to be a happy new year?

Friday 14 December 2012

Running to freedom

It was a horrible night. It was pouring down and thunder was pounding in John Atkins' ears. The branches of the  trees rocked violently and scratched John's face.
Maybe that could have annoyed John in a different situation but now he couldn't stop. In his brain there was only one thought: run.
He had to get out of there, he had to run even faster than he was running now.

He had to escape from that place.

Some weeks ago John had sensed that something had changed, something evil had started living in that forest. But the investigation that inspector Atkins had made had gone too far.
He couldn't have possibly imagined that outcome.

The only thing he could do now was run. The moonlight seeped in between the tops of the trees creating gruesome shadows that confused and terrified John, but nothing made him feel such fear as the creature he had behind him. A beast with fur the colour of coal and yellow eyes like the sun, but which only reflected ice cold cruelty. Nobody knew where it had come from or how it had come to life. John called this beast: "Fear".
John's coat got caught up in the branches and bushes of that forest making him lose time and causing the beast to catch up with him, John decided to get rid of his coat in order to survive.
His only hope was to get to the small clearing he could see ahead, the beast wouldn't dare enter the circle of light, he was saved. Or maybe not, the beast started to run faster, so he realised it was only playing with him, Joh could feel it's cold breath on the back of his neck. He knew he would not make it to the clearing. Suddenly he felt a mighty shove from behinf and he fell. The last thing he noticed was the creature's weight on his back.Then there was only darkness